The Roatan Multiple Listing Service (MLS) is maintained by an organization of Real Estate offices on Roatan who have joined together to be able to provide professional real estate services.

The MLS is a database that allows real estate brokers and agents representing sellers under a listing contract to widely share information about properties with real estate brokers and agents who may represent potential buyers, or wish to cooperate with a seller ‘s broker or agent in finding a buyer for the property.

The purpose of the MLS is to enable the efficient distribution of information so that when a real estate agent is introduced to a potential home buyer, he/she may search the MLS system and retrieve information about all homes for sale in a given area or price range, whether under a listing contract by that agent‘s brokerage, or by all participating brokers and agents.

The MLS system is also a public access site so clients can utilize the system to get an overview of property values and actually shop for properties. The mere fact that Roatan offers an MLS is astounding – you would be hard-pressed to find many other places in all of Latin America offering a Multiple Listing Service. Providing such a service to all prospective buyers allows Roatan’s real estate companies to work together, rather than competing and creating a difficult environment for clients.

The website is designed to be incredibly user-friendly to make the experience of buying property in Roatan very easy. The MLS has given clients and real estate personnel alike a database of information for comparative market analysis, allowing larger end hotel chains and developers access to the market pricing for their needs.